Saturday, 11 January 2014

WiFi Pineapple and Karma.

Well it would appear that this is the 2nd time I am writing this blog, as I was a complete idiot and somehow managed to delete the post while it was still in draft I could not find the data, but it does mean that I get to watch some more Elementary.
Let's look at the WiFi Pineapple, a security auditing tool that exploits the inherent security flaws in unencrypted WiFi security.
The WiFi Pineapple is produced by Hak5 and sold in the HakShop.
The WiFi Pineapple works as a router, this is not to be confused with the Netgear or Linksys router in your house, the Pineapple has two wireless radios, one Ethernet port and one USB.
So I received my WiFi Pineapple on Friday and have been in experiment mode ever since.
The Pineapple arrives completely blank but the latest firmware is included on a microSD card,  the whole process is automated and provided you follow the guide that is included or watch the videos on Hak5 you should have no issues.
Applications that run on the Pineapple are called "Infusions" some are included and many are online in the Pineapple Bar.
The particular application I am looking at talking about is Karma.
I won't be going in depth on the theory as this has been covered many times on Hak5.
When your laptop or phone come online they send out probe requests looking for networks that they have attached to previously. This list can be found on a Windows PC by clicking on "Manage Wireless Networks" link within the Network and Sharing Center. 
 The best way to access Karma is through the Pineapple web interface.

Now let's state the obvious, you click on "Start" Karma will start. Clicking "Enable" will not start Karma but will automatically start the next time the Pineapple reboots, handy if you don't want to get your laptop out and log into the Pineapple. Clicking on "Karma" will open the Karma interface, within the interface there are three pages; Karma Intelligence Report, Karma Log, Karma Configuration.
Karma Intelligence displays the MAC address, assigned IP address, Hostname and the assumed SSID. I have edited the hostnames and MAC addresses to protect myself and the stupid person that connected while I was taking screenshots (first time I managed to pick anyone else up).

Karma Log holds information on all probe requests received and all clients that have connected.

An  finally Karma Configuration is where you can set the broadcast SSID of the Pineapple, Client Blacklisting where you can set clients that the Pineapple will not respond to, and SSID Black/White Listings where you can configure what SSID's the Pineapple responds as.
So in conclusion the WiFi Pineapple can make you a man in the middle, you can be the one that people connect to for internet access. And how can you protect yourself from this kind of attack, well don't connect to any unsecured networks, if you do don't all that network to connect automatically. Always make sure you know what you are connecting to.

Friday, 10 January 2014

New arrivals.

I have received my USB Rubber Ducky and WiFi Pineapple today.
Thanks Hak5 for the holiday sales.

The next few instalments will be featuring the WiFi Pineapple so please keep an eye out over the next few weeks.

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Well where to start?

 I’m Mat the Grinch and have been working in the IT/Comms industry for 13 years now. Being that I am at the grand old age of 30 I have not even attempted to side step into another industry by now I am probably in here for life, not that that is a bad thing.

So I currently work as an IT contractor, my current position is network monitoring which is cool apart from the fact that every day is 12 hours long, when you get to day 4 it is a long day. But realistically I probably spend around 15 hours a day at a computer, as a result I have quite a few IT tips and tricks that I am going to try to share with you.

So this week we will be making a custom login screen for Windows 7, yes Windows 7 not 8. I think you know why.

Now the tricky bit navigate to this area of the registry using regedit.
Change the value of OEMBackground to 1.

So first we need a picture that is not larger than 256kb.
Now name the file backgroundDefault.jpg
 Place the JPEG into the folder “C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds” if the backgrounds folder is not there just create it.
 There is no need to reboot just press windows + L to lock and you now have a customised log on screen.

Well as I am sitting here at 0900 in the morning after working a 12 hour night shift I may as well tell you what the plan is for my next post.
Fun with a WiFi Pineapple - I am actually staying up this morning awaiting my delivery of a Mark V pineapple so you can expect some Pinappley goodness pretty soon.

If you would like to find out more about the WiFi Pineapple please check out Hak5 on youtube.

That's all for today any feedback is always welcome.